2nd-Annual BGO Ballers Fantasy Football League

Lanky Livingston

Come ye, come ye, register for thy beatdown at the hands of Lanky!

If you are interested, respond to this thread. I want to get the league up and running soon, so we can find a draft time that will work for everyone. I'd like 12, but if we have enough interest I suppose we can do 14. If we have even more interest, we can do two leagues, with the winners facing off in week 16 or 17 for the ultimate title. Or something.

Interested so far:
1. Lanky (gotta defend that 'ship from last year!)
2. Boone
3. Goaldie
4. Extreme
5. Canadian Hog
6. Om
7. Neophyte
8. Skinsfan76
9. JethroDSP
10. LJ
11. Ax
12. McD5
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I'm in like Flint.
Oh Boone. Really? You didn't learn from last year?

And Hog? Beware the Goaldeje! He striketh again!

(I'm in:))
Let's go beotches.

Man-up and sign-up. Unless yer skeered :)
Let's go - we're talking FF here guys/gals...
I'll play and I promise not to draft any Montreal Alouettes players. :)
Adding Om and Neophyte as they have no damn choice :)
I guess we see the response and then figure out if it will be 10 or 12 teams? We did 10 last year, right?
I think we could go as high as 14 (per Lanky) OR if we hit 14, we hold out and see if we can't find a few more for a 2nd league.
I think we could go as high as 14 (per Lanky) OR if we hit 14, we hold out and see if we can't find a few more for a 2nd league.

We can do 14; its definitely more challenging!
Alright, need one more for 12 teams. Who's in? Stop hiding behind your monitors, pansies! Put your football knowledge to the test! :)
Anyone have a way to contact hog? I have a phone number, but I think its old.
Let's go people! We at least need a 12th player. Man or girl-up.

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