112th Congress


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
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Alma Mater
Florida State
In November the citizens across this nation made the decision that they were discouraged by the direction this country was headed. There were sweeping changes in the Senate with a solid pickup of seats by the Republicans, but in the House of Representatives it was an unprecedented landslide for the Right.

The result of those changes will be a House of Representatives that is overwhelmingly in Republican control while the Senate maintains a narrow Democratic margin in the 112th Congress of the United States.

This is the setting for a Congress that will, almost assuredly, be one of the more interesting Legislative bodies this nation has ever seen.

I am not optimistic. With statements from outgoing Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Henry Waxman, like, "I think is going to be one of the most rancorous periods of time in our country's history.", there stands little chance of any bi-partisan congruity.

Harry Reid has proven his wily political savvy by winning a race he should have lost. Nancy Pelosi has shown she still wields tremendous power in the House by remaining the Minority Leader after edging out the Redskins beloved Heath Shuler for that position. If anyone thinks these 2 are going away they are sadly mistaken,. Their voices are going to be as loud as ever which makes me cringe.

I have the feeling we are going to look at 2 years of stalemate. Regardless, it is going to be an interesting time in our Nation's history as we go forward until the next election in 2012, that is if we make it to November in light of the UFO's that are coming. :)
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Well, Nancy "blow hard" Pelosi does not want to give up the seat. I wish she would just shut up already. Time to go! You did your best to ruin this nation. Good riddance.
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the same Pelosi who stated yesterday that "reducing the deficit" was her number one priority the last two years? El.....one part of the scam is up on these people...they will say anything....dare I say lie.....but will keep to their agenda regardless.

in the event.....there will be some practical things achieved. for example....the House passes a bill to repeal Obamacare. The Senate votes it down. Those who vote it down are now on record. Repeat the Bill within a year of the next election. This will be an albatross of major dimensions for the Senators (and House members) who vote against repeal. Pass a Bill that supports extension of the debt ceiling, but attach riders that require parng back to 2008 levels (as a starter) of deficit/GDP (traditionally 19-20%....now edging to 24/25%). Once again, take names of every poltician who votes Nay.

The Dem strategy will be to paint the Repubs as the party of no and accountble for whatever economic decline happens between now and 2012. we will see whether the American people are paying attention to legislative evasions the Obama administration is attempting through regulatory artifices.

yes...it ought to be interesting. wouldn't phase me one iota if little got done. just clarifying the fault lines leading into the next election would be very salutary.

and remember....just cause you cross the border illegally....you're not an illegal!!!! ok. fugitive from the law?
Wish Scott Rigell and all the other freshmen Republicans well. Feel confident Scott will do a good job. I'm not in his district, but have known him a long time.
Awesome that spending this holiday season was at above-Recession levels. Economy is on the track to recovery, just in time for the new Republican congress to eff it up! ;)
jrock! Take off the rose colored glasses. The Republicans do not control anything but the House. It is a bicameral body!

Man, I never thought Pelosi would ever give up the gavel!
yea...that 10% unemployment rate is just going to sink like a rock...cause....well....Obama..... he's some kinda economic genius!!

not much we'll be able to do about it though as fuel prices skyrocket and food prices follow suit.

these people are LIARs. we have learned that much over the last two years.

we can revisit their fascist tendencies at a later juncture.
I heard they did read the Constitution aloud this morning. Supposedly you can't submit a bill unless can point to it's constituional authority.
jrock! Take off the rose colored glasses. The Republicans do not control anything but the House. It is a bicameral body!

Man, I never thought Pelosi would ever give up the gavel!

Heh, I think you need to adjust the sarcasm meter, my friend. :)
I am actually surprised she did give up the gavel

Also ina bipartison measure a bill to reduce 2011 spending to 95 percent of 2010 levels was passed so hopefully that is change we can believe in

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