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  1. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    My husband's suicide was just before Covid hit here. We both knew about it in China, I just didn't think it would cross both oceans. I spent a ton of his 401k money(that wasn't large to any degree) helping others.
  2. skinsmarydu

    Official Game Thread - NFC CHAMPIONSHIP - Commanders @ Eagles

    I was in a spot today, wearing my pink Redskins hat (that I've had forever) facing a dude in a brand new Eagles hat. I wanted to punch him in the face. I have cats and a house for sale, way too much to lose to risk jail time. But I thought about it for a flash of a second, shit you not.
  3. skinsmarydu

    Josh Harris Speaks... Commanders is permanent name.

    I only read the new posts every couple of days. I see the C-word as an appeasement to a coach that isn't even here anymore. New boss doesn't want to change it "right now". Just get the yoga pants off the field, put our stripes back on. Damn, Tanya wasn't as "fashion forward" as she...
  4. skinsmarydu

    A Question for the New(ish) Members

    As disappointed as I am with the state of things, I'm far more positive here...and I love football. This place has a really good vibe without all of the negativity that comes with politics. :cool:
  5. skinsmarydu

    Commanders News (Social Media)

    I love this kid sooooooo much, more than I loved RGIII. (And for the record, that's a whole lot cuz Robert was my "hall pass" with my husband :ROFLMAO: ). I don't want him to have to run for his life with no pocket protection.
  6. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    Well, I'm unemployed & broke as fuck. If it weren't for some friends helping me out until my house sells, the kitties & I would be starving.
  7. skinsmarydu

    Random Thoughts

    Oh, I did...there's a pic out there somewhere of Serena wearing the B&G. (I think it's of them getting off his private plane or something.)
  8. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    I don't have sage, paprika, or cayenne pepper. And sometimes I just walk in & say "Can I get some sparkle stuff?" and they give me a handful. It's in front of the grocery store I go to about a mile away.
  9. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    Why buy everything when you can get it for free?
  10. skinsmarydu

    Random Commanders Thoughts

    Nah, I'm a local here now, been here almost 36 years. Just selling my house kind of moving. (too old for all these stairs just to get to the bathroom, LOL)
  11. skinsmarydu

    Random Commanders Thoughts

    Her name is Vicki, she's here in ATL. I'm moving, and her card is somewhere. She brought me RGIII's Baylor stuff too that day just in case. My friends got Matt Ryan stuff, LOL. She's got the goods. May be on Google?
  12. skinsmarydu

    Tell the Truth Monday- The 2025 Crystal Ball Edition

    It's the injuries that scare the snot outta me.
  13. skinsmarydu

    Random Commanders Thoughts

    I bought the 10 Elite. *I know the "jersey girl" here in town.* I only wear it to games here nowadays, but that season I slept in it . Got a really crappy photo of me in it with my grandkids on a Sunday morning. She also sold me a throwback Doug Williams that I donated to Abby's Army for...
  14. skinsmarydu

    The Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks, never thought I'd get this far.
  15. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    It's a sprinkle in packets, not a sauce. I get a plain chicken sandwich with extra pickles occasionally & ask for sprinkle packets. They give me a ton of 'em, and I mix it in mayo at home for the sandwich...other packets go on everything else. They're free. ;)
  16. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    It is!!! No lie, I put it on a burger the other night (which I would normally do on the Foreman with basic stuff, worchestershire, garlic, and alot of pepper) but that shit made it all awesome. Threw some shrooms, green peppers and red onions, Swiss. Mashed potatoes got it too. I'm...
  17. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    :love: Thanks, Mark! I can't believe it, I didn't think I'd make it to 30, made so many shitty decisions and did stupid stuff. But here I am as a kid again, with my team and its' fans at 59.
  18. skinsmarydu

    Random Thoughts

    Public announcement My best friend tested positive for Covid. Mask up, everyone. Keep up that hand-washing.
  19. skinsmarydu

    What's for Dinner?

    Anyone who remembers me from ES knows I can take a 20-cent pack of ramen and make it awesome at halftime (kinda like a lucky thing). I'm on the cheap nowadays, but a pack of sirimi with some broccoli and shrooms is just fine. Spiced it up, of course. If anyone gets anything from Popeye's...
  20. skinsmarydu

    Random Commanders Thoughts

    Hey COWBOY-KILLA ...I just texted him and he said to tell you hi...
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