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The Jaguars: Stumbling from the Gate

The Jaguars are coming off a spectacular meltdown against the Eagles and for some it was demoralizing as you might expect.

For some of them it sounds like they expect a looooong Sunday coming up.

I'd love to provide them with a long afternoon of anguish myself. :beadyeyes:

WR Cecil Shorts being out makes a lot of Jags fans not very happy.

Losing SS Jonathan Cyprian in the Eagles game doesn't help their outlook either.

Then again, apparently Chad Henne taking snaps makes a lot of them not very happy as well.

The Redskins not-very-impressive outing against Houston, however, seems to have buoyed some Jacksonville fan hopes...

We, after all, stumbled out of the gate too....


RGIII was rattled by Houston's pass rush and I believe we can do the same. This defense is turning a corner but it desperately needs some help from the offense.


I'm scared of what DeSean will do to our safeties without Cyp


The pass rush was nonexistent the 2nd half after the game was in hand and they could run. It starts with winning 1st and 2nd down against Morris. Then we can win


I wouldn't hold my breath on a win any time soon. We might luck into it but with Mr Subaverage as a QB we aren't going to win much.


Dude, if the OC figures out what went wrong after we got the lead, we'll be fine. Even with Henne.

We have to stay aggressive and creative for 60 minutes. Not just the 1st quarter.


Let Shorts rest his hammy... or Start Shorts and Hurns and put Lee in the slot.


I would love to win, so im hoping it happens. Redskins did look horrible today.

The Mad Dog

Washington is definitely a winnable game.

Fitzpatrick of all people looked good against them yesterday


Need to lose on purpose. After this first game, this team needs talent at a lot of positions, and quality depth. Need high draft picks in every round.


regardless of the final score we went toe to toe with the eagles and didn't get shamed and the eagles are a league ahead of the skins

if cyp is back in i think we will win the game but i really don't see that happening considering he was knocked out cold

we also need to set the edge better or rg3 will punish us escaping the pocket

it's definately winnable

The Mad Dog's reply included an insult I haven't heard before

The Mad Dog

lol, so you don't think some of that result in the 2nd half was from being outcoached?? They might have to get the big rig backhoe - the depth your head is in the sand.


We have to find a running game somehow some way. Also I hope Prosinski isn't playing defense. Then I would feel somewhat confident.


We can get our first win of the season here

They suck

Should be able to run the ball


I wouldnt hold my breath on it. We gotta be real physical with their wrs. Gotta improve defense over the middle. Hopefully we get cyp back soon.


If the defense plays well and the running game gets it together, Henne might not cost us the game.

But, in seriousness. Our defense looked like another animal the first half of the eagles game. Cyp's uncertainty may prove to be a chink in the D's armor, but the front four could still do enough to win us this game.

As you may have noticed, a good many Jags fans aren't all that impressed with QB Chad Henne.


Cyp needs to be back but the redskins are worse then us

Rg3 has regressed


We have Henne.


Yah I agree Henne is garbage but all around team were better

Maybe if Henne can just game manage we have a good chance

Followed by the reply earning "The nastiest post about Chad Henne award"...


Asking henne to game manage is like asking your mom for money for a hooker.


The more we play Henne, the more excited I get about looking at 2015 Mock Drafts.

P. Haze

Im glad yall "expect" a win this week. That will hopefully speed up the process of Bortles starting after Sunday's results.


I really don't see a win here. Washington has alot of talent on D and will probably hold us under 20. They managed to hold Houston to 17, and Fitz is easily a better QB than Henne.
With Cyp likely out and Prosinski in the game, chances are we will see another blown coverage or 2 and Washington has the playmakers to capitalize.

There is literally no phase of the game where our side has the advantage, besides maybe our D Line. Plus, did I mention we have Henne?

28-6 Washington.


The point here is that the Redskins might not be the toughest team we'll ever play this season, but now they know that the Jag's can open a can of 'whoop azz' and put points on the score board

in a hurry if they aren't careful. They will bring their 'A' game. This is their home season opener and they've already lost one. They don't wan't to lose the home opener to the Jaguars! It will

be a tough game...
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