Dallas has clinched the division and-abnormally it seems-an end-of-season game with the Redskins isn't going to hurt their playoff chances. win or lose.
However, Cowboys fans do remember the smack-downs we've given Romo almost every time we play them and that dominated most game discussions.
KJJ seems to have "adjusted" his position a bit with this post.
It may sound a bit...uh..."mean", but I hope Garret was serious when he said he'd play the starters Sunday.
Especially Tony.
However, Cowboys fans do remember the smack-downs we've given Romo almost every time we play them and that dominated most game discussions.
We need to make them pay for their blitzing. We have the blueprint from what they did last time. I say bait them and make them pay.
Been much chatter about what the Cowboys will do vs Washington. Many seem to think the game is worthless and we should treat it as a week one or two of preseason game. I haven't run it through the playoff scenario thing myself but read that if Seattle and Arizona both lose, we don't have to win to get the bye. (The only way we can get the first seed is both of them lose and GB/Det tie)
I guess I can see it both ways. Jimmy didn't rest starters in 1992 when we had the 2nd seed wrapped up, in fact he left Emmitt and Aikman in until early in the 2nd half IIRC, and let Emmitt get enough carries to win the rushing title over Barry Foster. Bill Belichick never rests key guys (including Brady) in season finales it appears. On the other hand if Romo, Dez, Murray, Tyron Smith or Frederick got hurt and had to miss the playoff game/s it'd be a disaster for us. We need all those guys.
I guess the fear of resting guys is getting them out of their routine and maybe slowing down the momentum they clearly have going right now. We're on the best roll we've been on in quite some time, especially offensively. But the injury fear has to be a concern as well.
Broaddus was saying Zack Martin was playing at 75% at best the other day and he came out of the game early (maybe the same series or perhaps even a series before Romo did, cant remember). He clearly could use the rest. Free almost assuredly isn't going to play, meaning you'd have two backups (albeit guys with starting experience, which is good) playing at RG and RT. I don't think Murray is in any danger of hurting his hand more, but to me he does look a little tired. Getting him the franchise record for rush yards in a season would be nice and I'm sure he wants it (as well team itself probably wants it for him) but getting a week off to recuperate would be nice too. Rolando McClain continues to play on a sore knee as well.
If Garrett plays these guys and somebody important gets hurt, he'll be crucified. On the other hand if he sits key guys and they come out the next weekend vs Detroit or GB completely out of rhythm he'll get criticized for that too. It's definitely a tough situation to be in.
It looks like a 95% chance the Cowboys are locked in at #3 so I don't expect them to play the starters the entire game. Hopefully they can get a decent lead in the first half and coast to a final win. The most important thing is the Redskins CAN'T play the spoiler this year.Go Cowboys!!
Perhaps its just me, But I expect the Redskins to try and knock Romo out of the playoffs.
Like they did last year when we had a Romoless lead team going to the Eagles for the lost. I would hate to see some cheap shot on Romo and him missing the playoffs.]
So go against a team that you know has nothing to lose...Who you know will make it their life's mission to aim for Tony's back...like they did before, and go after Murray's hand and if Cowboys win but get hurt....then what?.... I would love to finish 8-0 on the road...but at what cost? What special cookie does that give us...Redskins don't care about another win against us...they just want blood and plenty of it!
But we are going to the playoffs...we have to be able to beat the best...and the Deadskins are NOT the best...huuuhhhh
If we win, but wont have Romo, Murray or Dez for the playoffs, It would be a win for the Redskins.
Don't expect to see Washington sell out on the blitz again. Last meeting, they knew Romo was not healthy, and wanted to take advantage of his lack of mobility. This time, Romo is the healthiest he's been all season, scrambling for first downs, throwing with accuracy, and being well protected. If Washington is smart, they'll play the run and man coverage leaving a standard four man rush.
If they blitz as many players as that fist game, Romo will torch them with one on one coverage on Dez, Beasley< and Williams.
Chuck A
If we expect to compete with Seattle and Arizona, we had better be able to handle the Redskins.
Kal-El of Krypton
I say play Romo till half-time or the first really bad hit, the former if it comes first.
This is the NFL. What Washington did won't work again. They had a great plan for a night and it worked. Only being superior dominant repeats itself, even in college. Look at FSU blitzing the heck out of Florida to win late in the season and then getting a rematch in the Championship game and getting torched doing the same thing. Dallas will be prepared for it for what Washington did in the first game.
there's simply no good reason to put romo in AT ALL
if romo gets hurt week 17, as soon as he goes down our post season is INSTANTLY over
forget stats, look at the bigger picture: we could actually win the superbowl
i dont think anyone believes WEEDEN can get us there though, smh
Aikman's Ghost
The Redskins game does not really matter. The only way it matters is if Green Bay and Detroit manage to tie. If Seattle and Arizona lose, we are guaranteed the 2nd seed, regardless if we win or not.
I'm a huge believer in entering the playoffs with momentum can't recall a Cowboys team having success in the playoffs that didn't enter the playoffs with momentum. The teams last playoff win was due to having momentum entering the playoffs. The 09 team was forced to play hard in week 17 because the division title and a home playoff game was at stake. That kept the team motivated and the wave of momentum the Cowboys were riding after their win over Philly in week 17 carried over to the playoffs. You can't play scared and the motto has been to finish the fight so we need to finish it and not get punched in the mouth on Sunday by a team that's already beaten us and will be sitting home.
This is bothering me, because in my mind the right call is pretty obvious.
Do we really want Romo out there getting hit on a blitz?
Murray , just getting over his surgery?
No. No we dont. So , sit them. Which means we aren't really serious about winning this game.....
So why even go through the motions? Let all the backups play. This game means nothing.
They are going to trot Tony Romo out there back and all, for what reason??? Momentum? So we dont get "sloppy"?
If they do all that, and Romo goes down and cant make the playoffs, or even if he is banged up and cant throw or run like we need him too.... Then, the League will be laughing at the
Cowboys....Can you imagine what the media will do to JJ and Garret?
and another thing. The players know it means nothing.... The intensity wont be there.
Some data on "momentum" for the recent Superbowls:
Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17
2013 (Seattle) Loss Win Loss Win
2012 (Baltimore) Loss Loss Win Loss
2011 (New York) Win Loss Win Win
2010 (Green Bay) Loss Loss Win Win
2009 (New Orleans) Win Loss Loss Loss
2008 (Pittsburgh) Win Win Loss Win
2007 (New York) Win Loss Win Loss
Seems to me this whole "momentum" thing is overblown. 3/7 of the last SB winners lost their last game yet somehow won despite not having that elusive momentum at the end of the regular season.
Rest the starters - I rest my case.
Yes it's completely overblown. Momentum is a football cliché. Teams play better when rested. Period.
I agree. I understand the train of thought regarding injuries> Pagono did that with Luck, they had little chance of getting out of the 3 slot but he still played Luck until the halfway point of the 3rd qrt.
I would rather see Dallas starters get limited snaps and in some case not even play but I think right now Garrett is trying to keep the mindset the same, not let guys get caught up in the hoopla of the excitement that is taking place around them. best way to keep the team grounded is keep the routine the same.
Haslet is coaching for his job. He's coming after Romo, and he's gotten him the last two times.
Bleu Star
Rest is for pansies. Play to the possibility of the #1 seed.
Awesome. So if Romo gets hurt and we are blown out of the first round of the playoffs, at least we will know we weren't "pansies."
KJJ seems to have "adjusted" his position a bit with this post.
As I've already stated I would rest Romo in this game the last time the Cowboys played Washington he was sacked 5 times and ended up with 2 fractures in his back. Washington can't keep the Cowboys from making the playoffs but they sure can keep them from advancing so we have to sit Romo.
It may sound a bit...uh..."mean", but I hope Garret was serious when he said he'd play the starters Sunday.
Especially Tony.