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Independent Thinking

In case you're wondering where the subtitle "Independent Thinking" came from, there are two reasons I used it. One, I look for useful informative posts as opposed to the "We rule/Skins suck" chest-thumping that shows up in every NFL fan forum and smaller independent fan forums tend to have less of the fluff to dig through and more posts that seem like some actual thought went into them. Two, I had to find smaller, independent fan forums because most of the larger Cowboys boards required registering in order to view the threads. I was o.k. with that because as I mentioned smaller independent fan forums are usually better than the large team-affiliated boards anyway-and the thought of registering for a Cowpukes forum?....well....uh....not happenin'. :)

Predictions went everywhere, from close to blowout.

weapon x
Prediction is 35-14 because the Redskins are just that bad.

east texan

I expect a tough game from the Skins... A very winnable game though. Especially if Murray continues to excel.

Cowboys 25 Washington 17...

the doc

The Redskins always play harder against the Cowboys (or the Boys play down to them), so I'll go with Cowboys 24, Redskins 17


We know it will not be a FG fest! Dallas plays like they are capable of and it could get ugly for Washington quickly. I say that and then Dallas will lay an egg on me again!!

Honestly if Dallas goes into DC and does not come out with HUGE win (points wise), there are some coaching issues.

This poster has an unusual ID.

paper champions

Shanahan can not afford to lose this game. Losing two in regular season to the Cowboys is the death knell for a Redskins HC. They will play tough, dirty, and with everything they've got so the Cowboys need to be well prepared.

That said, Cowboys should keep the streak rolling after wins against the Seahawks and Bills. From now to Jan 1 at NY, what team on the Cowboys schedule are tough games the Cowboys should probably lose? I don't see any. Only concern I have is that the Cowboys havn't gone on a long term winning streak in a long time.


Can't take any team lightly Cowboys need to show up with this kind of intensity every week need to get this win at Washington

romo bryant murray

Regardless of how much they suck, Redskins always give it their all against us. Unfortunately for Washington, their all isnt nearly enough. Whether they start Grossman or Beck, either will throw at least two INT's and will be sacked plenty. It'll be a field day for Demarcus Ware and even Anthony Spencer. Also, Ratliff and Hatcher will get a sack each. Offensively, Romo will continue to tear it up with Robinson and Bryant and Witten, plus Murray adds even more depth to the receiving game. Also, i'd like to see Jesse Holley used more. I predict another +100 yard game for Murray on the ground, and at least 1 TD

Final score: Cowboys 45 Redskins 3

Also, something I'd like to see in this game: a few weeks back I saw something on here by one of the writers that talked about a possible move on the O-line of having Kosier at C and having Dockery and Holland at G to create a better line and get more accurate snaps. Considering Costa's "troubles" last time vs Washington, i'd really like to see Kosier at C, although i still have cautionary faith in Costa


This is a team if we score early like against Buffalo, they will fold, they are ready to fold now. The only chance they have to save their season is to beat us. Philly and Washington or 3-6 and still in it. Beating us would go along way for Washington.

My prediction is Dallas 14 Wash 10 Mainly because all they really have left is Defense. If Tebow, can win games only throwing 8 passes and completing 2, anything can happen in FedX field.


If we play like we did against the Bills? Sure. But are you really expecting that?

Also, typically these games are lower-scoring affairs. Doesn't matter what either team has done all season usually. I am just expecting the Redskins to come out like this is the Super Bowl and I could see this being much lower-scoring than many seem to believe it will be.


Yep, I'm expecting that. I can also see your point regarding the bolded statement. Division rivalry games are hard to predict. But I do believe we get into the redzone more often, and convert these opportunities into more TDs than we did the last time we played the Redskins., which isn't saying too much since we didn't score even 1 TD in the first game. We may not blow the Redskins out with 44 points like we did the Bills, but I expect we'll get 3 TDs at minimum. Especially if we come out and punch them in the mouth quickly and hard as we did to the Bills.

Ah, I knew I'd run across a numbers guy eventually...but an abacus?


I know its Cowboys-Redskins but are the teams really evenly matched? We make a lot of an East game, but the Eagles blew us up. The better team usually wins.

They've got a -42 point differential and the only team in the NFC to score fewer TDs is the Rams with 10, the Skins have 13. However, they do not give up a lot of points, average 20, like us. But, their O averages 15 while we average 25.

So, after a very involved calculation process involving advanced extrapolations and employing an Abacus with all the helmets in the NFL on it, I am prepared to guess again. 23-13, Cowboys prevail.

Look gang.. the Skins are playing for their season.. Expect nothing less than a complete balls to the wall effort from them. Also I think they're a lot more dangerous with Grossman at QB than they were with Beck. Grossman can heat up at any time and look like Joe Montana.. yes he can meltdown and look like Joe Kapp too.. but we Cowboy fans should be familiar with QBs who do that. The best thing in our favor is that they do not have a lot of playmakers on offense. Moss apparently isn't going to go this week. Gaffney is a solid receiver but not a game changer. Hankerson is a speed guy and a rook.. Can't go to sleep on him but he's not gonna kill ya if you pay attention. They simply do not have running game.. but they do have Ryan Torain, who was last seen trucking Ken Hamlin en route to an 80 yard TD to help us close out Texas Stadium with a loss to the Ravens. The Helu kid from Nebraska is dangerous as a receiver.. not much as a running threat. Not having Cooley-mouth has clearly hurt their offense.. but the local DC mediots are already calling this game "The Redskins' Super Bowl." Come out flat in this one and we WILL get run over just like we did in Philly.


28-9 with at least a TD scored on Defense. Their D is solid, their O needs life support. Grossman will throw two picks, and will be sacked at least 5 times. I think Ware will have a great day of it.

Can wait to see choice out there as he wants to prove we made a mistake, and I think he will try to hard.


Hankerson is out for the year with a hip pointer Undecided, they brought back Donte Stallworth. I fear Stallworth and Davis, Choice may go for 80+ on us as well.

He fears Stallworth? Interesting...


Wow I just saw that story about Hankerson.. Dude was coming on.. Bad for them.. good for us. I don't think much of Stallworth.. A one trick pony if there ever was one.. speed guy and that is all.. and probably one who is not in game shape.. I feel even better about us whuppin them now.. Choice is adept and finding creases, but frankly I don't see him as the right type of back for Shanahan's offense. But we'll see.. one thing we do know.. he can be stripped of the ball! lol

This exchange about how many sacks they think Dallas will get was kind of interesting.


If the Bills can get in 10 sacks how many do you think the cowboys can get? How many will Ware get?

The reply;



This one from CowboyZack was a try at being conciliatory I suppose. Didn't work though.


We've all been there.....this season even!
This is gonna sound strange coming from a 36 year Cowboy die-hard but I hate it for the Skins too! Like the 49ers in the 90's. We looked forward to beating the 49ers. We really felt good and knew that we beat the best when we beat the 49ers. I miss the monumental meetings between the 'Boys and the 'Skins. We as sports fans tend to rate our team by the quality of our adversaries.
The eagles, NO! I hope they sink into the abyss and have to move to arena football! But the 'Skins and Giants? I want both teams to hang in there and make us winning the division worth something. I don't want the powerfull NFC East to become like the NFC West. A division where a losing record could still win (not this year, but usually).
Hang in there. Here's to the Skins rising up to be the second best team in the toughest division in the NFL!

Second best? Uh...right Zack. :kungfu:
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