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Griffin's injury around the NFL

A small sample of fan thoughts around the league.

Chicago Bears:

Cutler gets pulled with MCL sprain --> quit on the team
RG3 plays until his leg is finally done --> should have benched him

I love double standards

I agree with how some apply a double-standard, and am assume you mean those who flamed Cutler.

The decision to pull Cutler was correct, while the decision to not pull RGIII was reckless. Especially after the roll-out in the 2nd QTR when he went down near the sideline.

San Diego Chargers:

I blame Shanarat 100%. It was his call to make, and I don't care if RGIII said "I probably would have defied my coach." Shanarat should have pulled him, no question. They knew he was already playing on a bad sprain, and after seeing it get worse in this game, they should have pulled the plug. Shanarat was probably thinking it was worth the risk, since RGIII has the whole off season to heal up.

A bit off topic, but to me this is a reminder of the value of a pure pocket passer. Injuries happen to everyone, but while the nfl goes nuts over these new trendy mobile qbs like rg3, kaepernick, wilson, vick, freeman etc, their risk for serious injury has to be significantly higher. mobility is only a true asset if they're a genuine pocket passer at heart like steve young (sorry, I vomit a bit in my mouth whenever I mention SY). Just happy to have rivers is all im saying.

Arizona Cardinals:

Also you shouldn't always listen to the bravado of a player. Players are supposed to be tough, but when dealing with serious things like that, caution is better. Either way, organizations have a lot of people paid alot of money to help see this doesn't happen.Oh and RGIII, you've never been in the line of fire. You play football. It's a game, not life or death and thus you don't have to do anything to risk your career at such a young age.

RGIII I'm sure is a great guy, but is still a young kid with a moron head. Think about it. He's saying he's fine when he's clearly not. But the great (except when communicating to head coaches) James Andrews is extremely worried.
Notice the difference? The one with the knowledge is scared/worried (or some adjective like that). The one that doesn't have it, isn't.

It's not like Washington gave up two future 1st's and basically has three first round draft picks locked up in this kid....oh wait they did. Whoops. (so in a sense it's like saying they just had three 1st round picks blow their knee).

With that sort of investment they should have food tasters for him.

Hopefully RGIII recovers well and matures a little so he knows he doesn't have to pretend he's Superman.

john h
Some people try to compare RGIII injury to other players with the same type injury. That really does not work with the human body and brain. Every injury is specific to the players involved. Certainly, after three ligament injuries RG will never be as good as he was. Remember he had such an injury in college. He may come back and be very good but he will never be the same guy we saw this year.

Baltimore Ravens:

The condition of that field on Sun was deplorable, and Goodell needs to hold Snyder accountable for refusing to maintain a safe workplace, and putting all of the players at risk.
Can you spell OSHA, anyone?

Mr. Irrelevant
Ngata gave him the initial hit, Shannahan killed him by letting him play injured.

I am not a skins fan, but I was yelling at the TV on this one. I was SUPER pissed, and the more I read and the more I herd about it the more pissed I got.
That kid should have NEVER have been on that field. Cousins could have easily carried the skins to a victory against the hawks.
No one is accepting responciblity in this matter. Its a big steamy bowl of he said and I said and no he didnt.

Miami Dolpins:

Damn shame to see a talent like that perhaps never playing at that level again. I know football players have the mentality to play through anything but what is the point of the league constantly changing the rules to protect the QB if coaches keep playing injured players?

Houston Texans:

I might add that I am not aware of any arthroscopic repair technique for the LCL. This means that despite the ACL being able to technically be able to be repaired arthroscopically, the LCL will dictate that the procedure be performed through a formal open technique. Arthroscopic techniques are the major factor behind the improved/shortened rehab involving knee surgeries. In addition, open approaches to the knee carry a higher complication rate. This "open" factor in itself may see his full rehab closer to a year or more.

A bit of a LOL with this next one.

Not to be all selfish & self-centered about RGIII's misfortune but, this injury kills any chance of the Texans acquiring Kirk Cousins for the 2013 season.

Denver Broncos:

My brother in law played for Shanny, and after his acl injury (and TD's) the staff was not entirely patient or seemed too worried about the long term effects. When it was training camp the following summer he was playing with
pain and they kept telling him he was just gun shy. Well, after a second opinion (which he got on his own), it was shown there was still some tissue and debris which if gone untreated could have caused further damage. I got some other stories about others, but let's just say I am a little worried for RG3. Hopefully he does what is right for him and has good people looking out for him. Not that Shanny is a bad guy, but I wouldn't always trust team docs with my future.

My biggest concern with his injury (even with the advancements in medicine) is that it's the same ligament he tore in college a couple years ago. RG3 is a tough guy so I'm not doubting his ability, but you have to wonder how his knee will hold up over the course of his career.

I certainly agree, Kirk Cousins performed extremely well this year and I was shocked to see RG3 still in after he went inside the LR. From that point on, I would've rolled with Cousins and at least give him a chance to win. If I'm New York, Jacksonville, or even Cleveland, I'm definitely calling up Washington for a potential trade.

Not RG3 fan but I do feel bad for him. You never want to see another player get injured no matter the circumstances. With that being said, RG3 career will end up being like Mike Vick, unless he changes his play style and learns how to slide, he will keep getting injured. RG3 just plays so reckless sometimes. Mike Shanahan & company need scrap the (pistol) (read option) playbook, and make RG3 prototypical drop back QB ala Luck. No doubt RG3 is exciting to watch playing that way it will not last for long though NFL defenses are bigger, stronger, and faster
compared what RG3 is used too. Point being he needs to adjust to NFL game if wants play for long period of time...

sam parnell
Step 1: surgery and rehab
Step 2: drop Pistol and Option O

Fabrizio HC
Don't see this happening. If you drop the Option offense and limit his running to 2-3 times a game ala Rodgers, he won't be as effective. I think what made him as effective was the surprise factor, defenses didn't know what he
was going to do so he kept them guessing. Don't get me wrong, I like the kid and think he's a heck of a QB, but if you drop the Option and the Pistol, you drop 75% of their playbook.

Cleveland Browns:

If RG3 was at his full potential his team may have won the last game against the Seahawks.....I knew something bad was gonna happen with his knee. He was so gunned up he just HAD TO play, and now he may have worsened his injury. Live & learn.

If I was a Redskins fan, I'd be hoping they put RG3 on IR the entire season. The 6 months’ time frame being thrown around is completely ridiculous, especially considering this is already his second tear and he had a LCL tear to go along with it...

Terrell Thomas is the player most comparable to RG3. Terrell Thomas tore his ACL in college, came back and had a few good, healthy years in the NFL. When he tore it for the second time, he had an entire 12 months off being he needed
to do anything. He tore it a 3rd time after slipping on a non-contact drill in training camp.

I guarantee if RG3 is on the field in 6 months, his career is as good as over. So to say just because AP is a freak of nature, that RG3 will be as well is just grasping at straws.

Once he was hobbled in the first half, he should have made the switch. Cousins was precise against the Browns, and you have to believe that the Seahawks were not prepared to defend Cousins. They probably spent most of the week preparing for RGIII.

Andrews said he "hoped" he could return for the beginning of the season. That doesn't sound like an absolute assessment to me, and other doctors are apparenly skeptical too. Andrews was the one in there, so you would think he
knows best.

New Orleans Saints:
Our coach was suspended merely for suspicion of hurting players.

Shannahan flat out lied and refused to follow doctors orders.

Let's see if Goodell has the balls to take this one on.

That is if he can peel himself from Ray Lewis' jock strap.

And exactly why the popular trend in the NFL of running the option is going to be short lived.

Tennessee Titans:

the flash in the pan.. that's the problems with these running QBs.. take their legs away, and they come apart at the seams.

Acl torn in same spot as it was in 2009. He may be ready for next season, but I'll bet they don't run the read option anymore.

San Fransisco49ers:

This one made me laugh.

f**k richard sherman!


This demonstrates why the pistol/option game will never work as a primary offensive attack in the NFL. Its a great wrinkle but unless you want to replace your starting QB every 5-7 years instead of 10-12 years an NFL passing
offense needs to be based primarily off pocket passing.

.. RG3 is a foolish runner.. The pistol can work.. But you have to have a QB that realizes hes playing with the big boys now.. RG3 constantly takes hits when he doesnt need to.. Ohh i got the first down, slide or get out of bounds.. instead he turns up field until he gets contact.. it was bound to happen.

Meh he'll be back next year like nothing ever happened.

Green Bay Packers:

Ten minutes ago I texted my son, brother and brother-in-law stating the same thing. Shanahan did not have the brains, courage or ability to change RG3's style of play. From day one, the kid was taking massive shots, and the
coach does nothing except spend a 3rd rounder on a back up QB.

I don't recall ever being this upset about a sports related topic.

Second injury he has had on that same knee. He has the tools to be a pocket passer, but he's not going to last with that running style. It's the one thing that's going to prevent the read option type stuff from really taking over the NFL. You need a guy who can not only run but make NFL throws as well. Guys who can make NFL throws are rare enough as it is. You can't have them getting hit too often in compromising positions.

Hope he recovers to full strength, and hope Shanahan gets his due for putting his player in a bad spot.
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