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Burner's Burning Questions - Week Eleven (Again?)

I know. I missed week ten and last week's eleven was supposed to be ten and now it is the true eleven. Understand? Ok, let's get to the inevitable - the questions about you know what.

1. Ugly. Very ugly. How ugly was that performance?

Answer: It was very ugly indeed. These Redskins should not be a recognized as a team that is ready to win the division, win a playoff spot, or have a winning record.

2. Was it a mistake to give Donovan McNabb a contract extension?

Answer: No. He is a leader for this team and will be the bridge to a new quarterback of the future. His leadership and experience will pay off in the long term. Too, the intangibles that he brings will help the Redskins through this trying time.

3. Much has been said about Jim Haslett. Should he continue to be the defensive coordinator?

Answer: Yes. It's painfully obvious that he has only a few players that are comfortable in the 3-4 defense. The team needs the appropriate personnel and certainly needs to get younger in the future. Coach Haslett deserves the time to help with these changes.

4. What's the best way to get over such a loss?

Answer: I'm sure the coaches and players are not too happy about such a showing on national TV. Look for the team to put this game behind them and forget about it.

5. What is your prediction for the Tennessee game?

Answer: I'm sure we will see a better performance. The Monday night debacle should be forgotten and a better effort is sorely needed. We'll see it, but the Titans will be a bit better. Tennessee 28 Washington 19.

See you next week.
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