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2017 Week 2 - Redskins @ Rams

Blognosticator - Neophyte



Those are Jay Gruden's numbers on opening day as HC of our beloved Redskins. Four losses, outscored better than 2 to 1 over the last 4 years. I don't have to tell you those are not great numbers.

I'll give him a pass on year one when he had to start Griffin even though at that point he likely knew there was no way Robert was ever going to be an NFL caliber drop back pocket passer. We will call it a mulligan.

So 0-3.

And 72-32.

With Kirk Cousins.

This is the opening day record owned by our Head Coach and our Quarterback. Three losses and a bigger points differential then if we factor in Griffin's start. (No, this isn't a piece about how we should have kept Griff…that ship has sailed in so many ways as to be unarguable by anyone not related to the man).

Again, I don't think I have to tell you that these aren't good numbers, right? If I were the coach of a team on the Skins schedule for the next season I'd be hoping to get that Opening Day game because the evidence suggests that Jay is lost on opening day.

Without our defense this last weekend, those numbers are worse and we fans don't feel half as good.

Obviously I am not an expert on coaching at the NFL level. Hell, I didn't even sleep at a Holiday Inn last night, so anything I say is pure amateur opinion. I've never coached football at any level, much less the top level like Jay. Having said that I do know one thing…the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result and our record proves that Jay is insane from July through the second weekend in September.

That's the bad news. Here's the good news.



Those are Jay Gruden's week 2 numbers as Head Coach of the Washington Redskins. He has a winning record and has nearly inverted the points for/points against number. It's like that week one loss is the cure for insanity or something.

Oh, there are other factors. Like the fact that we tend to play less threatening teams on the second weekend. Let's face it, the Rams and Jaguars are not in the same class as the Steelers and Eagles. The one time we did play a solid club on the second weekend we lost (Cowboys last year…anyone?).

I'm sure by now you have noticed I have focused on the coach. I've mentioned the QB but focused on the coach. I haven't forgotten about Kirk, I just consider him secondary at this point. Actually, it's worse than that…I consider him a lame duck.

I know people say this is a Quarterback's league but I think that is wrong. It isn't a Quarterback's league. It is a coach's league and it has been for a while now. Yes, I know the QB is the most important player on the field but what happens on the field on Sunday is decided by the coach in the office Monday through Saturday. The plays that get run by the QB on the field get called by the coach on the sideline.

Is there execution involved by the player? Sure, and on Sunday Kirk failed to execute. Time and again he failed. But who put him in a position to fail over and over?

Jay Gruden.

Even more so this year than in previous years too because Jay is now calling the plays Kirk is running.

So at this point all I can say is thank god it's week 2 and we are visiting the Rams. Monday should have seen a return to sanity for Jay and Sunday brings a game against a team nearly as messed up as any in the league, opening weekend shellacking of the Luck-less Colts notwithstanding.

So it says here on the face of my Magic 8 ball that the Skins win this week. That Jay and Kirk find a bit of magic and pull it off. Kirk throws for 2 scores, one to Reed and Fat Rob finds the End Zone for the first time. The defense takes the wind out of Mr Goff's sails after his great game last week and Allen gets his first sack in the Burgundy and Gold.

On Monday we all feel a lot better at 1-1.

Final Score – Skins 29 – Rams 16

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